Kara Ross, enchanted by her travels to the Sahara, introduced a Moroccan inspired collection for Fall 2012. Using vibrant colors such as deep purple, emerald green, indigo and sand she invokes the feel of foreign lands. The collection is true to Kara’s style, statement pieces using beautiful stones and exotic skins. These over-sized jewels are not for a wallflower! A bold theme throughout the collection was the carved stone scarab, an ancient beetle indigenous to the Sahara.
Her classic handbag collection is offered in vibrant colored skins, which are custom died for the collection. Debuting a new style with the working professional in mind the “Trinity” bag offers plenty of space for necessities as well as a designated spot for an iPad.
What I appreciate most about Kara Ross is that she has unique investment pieces. You wear a Kara Ross, chances are that’s going to be the accessory you’re getting a compliment on for the evening. Look a these beauties: