On July 6th, the cleverly hip and ever so stylish fashion and beauty website, Refinery29.com kicked off their Summer Jam series at the W Downtown Hotel.

While I’m not generally one to be spotted in the financial district –uh pretty much ever –okay maybe a few times a year –I make an exception for friends that are tourists and that live in the area and now Refinery29!
I grabbed a group and hit the terrace. The inside was overly happening as guests flocked to the bar. As I maneuvered my way through the crowd to grab a drink, it was a reunion and half. I ran into old friends, new friends, old coworkers (I really must be on my 10th anniversary in NY).
Great DJ’s (Caitlin Moe and Mia Moretti was spinning!), good drinks, fun crowd, amazing friends, nice breeze… What more could you ask for?
The party continues July 19th through August 30th. Get in on it!