Just now the door buzzer went off and it was FedEx dropping off a HUGE box for me! I checked the return label and it was from Ferragamo. You cannot imagine my excitement; my bag!!! As most of you know I entered The W List by Ferragamo competition which if you made it to the top 5 (of the list that is) you win a Ferragamo bag from their Spring/Summer 2011 runway collection. Ferragamo also selected one additional winner from the entire list who they deemed worthy of winning based on their inspiration. That accolade went to my blogger friend Rachel from Suitcase Secrets, My other friend, Erika from Shoes, Shirts, and Other Sh!T, came in 5th. I came in 4th! Bloggers unite!
While they didn’t specify which bag we would win, there was a picture gallery of the ones from the collection (pictured above) and in the intro to the promotion they used both the black and white bag (from the top row of the above image). And those we’re my favorites! In fact when I won I hinted that I would love to win either of those bags (I even posted about it). I then thought all the bags on the bottom row we’re nice, and as long as I didn’t win the multicolored flower straw one I’d be happy (I figured I was safe since that bag was not featured anywhere in the images circling the promotion).

Go figure, I open the box and in my head thought “please don’t be the flower bag, please don’t be the flower bag”. And of course it’s the flower bag. Those are probably not even flowers, just circles, but it’s made of out straw, and so matronly. All the others we’re beautiful leather and so classic. And the whole promotion was about a jetsetter bag, and I was so excited to get one, but now I’m so indifferent. And I know that’s so ungrateful considering I just beat out 528 other contestants to win! And it’s a free Ferragamo bag! So what’s my problem? I guess it was all the anticipation. Winning was not easy, in fact it feels like a joint effort between myself and everyone I know or who knows of me out there in the universe. I had to collect votes daily from November 10th through January 22nd –that’s over 2 months of posting, Facebooking, tweeting, emailing –not to mention all my friends who we’re doing the same on my behalf. And considering today is March 3td, I’ve basically been waiting for this moment for 4 months and with all the anticipation I wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to wake up and post the image on Facebook with total excitement and gush thank you notes until my fingers turned blue. And I do, I thank you all so much, because the feeling of winning or the knowledge of how much support I have in this world is so immensely gratifying and unbelievably humbling.
So now the big question is, what do I do with the bag? What do you think of it? Can I pull it off?
UPDATE: I exchanged my bag and am obsessed with my new one!! Check it out HERE. It’s AMAZING!