For this weeks Wellness Wednesday, we’re talking teas and supplements from the Chopra Center! My last few posts were centered around fitness (the yoga retreat I did at Kripalu and the Cyc bike challenge I’m doing to raise money for the Challenged Athletes Foundation) and now I’m diving deeper into what I put in my body and taking a more holistic approach to health and wellness.
Some of you may be familiar with The Chopra Center (and it’s founder Deepak Chopra, M.D), which celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year! While their grounds are based in California, the Chopra Center offers online programs and an online gift shop filled with yoga & meditation gear and dvds, books, bath & body products, aromatherapy, supplements & herbs and so much more. With winter in full effect (thank you Jonas for reminding us it’s no longer spring in NY), the last thing I want is to get sick — I’m very sensitive to abrupt climate change and since I travel so much, I try to keep my immune system up.
Some of my goals for the new year is to eat breakfast — I know it’s the most important meal of the day but all I crave before noon is a cup of coffee. And speaking of which, I’m trying to downgrade the amount of coffee I drink and add in more tea (I do love tea!), I’m just not in the same habits of drinking it regularly like I should. So in working with the Chopra Center here are some of their product recommendations which I’ve been religiously using since the holidays:
Biochavan Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Herbal Jam – This takes some getting used to. It’s an earthy jam at best but an excellent way to start your day. Take one teaspoon a day on toast or by mouth or in warm milk or water. I try to do it with toast so I can check off breakfast and take my vitamins but the jam is so potent, I find it easiest to just swallow two quick 1/2 teaspoons full with water. It’s a two month supply per jar and is considered one of the most valuable anti-aging supplements in Ayuveda to promote health and longevity. The basis of Biochavan is the Amalaki fruit which is rich in antioxidants with benefits including detoxification, improve digestion, and balance immune function. Basically it’s worth stomaching a teaspoon in exchange for calming our insides!
Ayurnas – Ayurvedic Sinus Support. A mix of essential oils and vitamin e to open up your sinuses and a natural solution for cold & allergy symptons. Simply apply 1-2 drops to each nostril with cotton swab or clean finger. I make James do this with me every few days or as needed to keep our sinus’ clear. It’s smells like peppermint and is really enjoyable and relaxing to breathe in and helps with headaches and muscle tension. It also helps relieve congestion, dryness, post-nasal drips and other symptoms associated with colds and allergies.
Vedamune – The Chopra Center sells a variety of Ayurvedic Herbs capsules to support the a healthy body. Vedamune is filled with vitamins to and Rasayana Herbs to help support the immune system. I take one tablet twice a day as instructed and haven’t been sick once this year!
I’m also fully stocked on The Chopra Center’s Herbal Teas. Here are few in my rotation:
Soothing Tea – an organic mint blend of spearmint and peppermint and coriander, fennel seeds, hibiscus flowers, citronella and chamomile flowers to balance pitta. Designed to cool yourself in hot weather, calm your intense mind and help sooth digestive distress. I’m a big mint tea person, and this one is my usual go-to!
Invigorating Tea with cloves and finger root (along with cinnamon bark, peppermint leaves, cardamon and more to balance Kapha. Designed to stimulate sluggish difestions, enliven natural energy, reduce congestion and awaken your metabolism.
Relaxing Tea to balance a Vata mind-body constitution. Filled with cinnamon bark, roasted chicory, ginger root, cardamon, nutmeg and licorice root to releive stress and restlessness, quiet your busy mind, and settle digestive upset.
Organic Ginger Tea – purify, detox and renew with Wakaya Perfection a 100% organic pink figian ginger powder to enliven digestion & metabolism.
The Chopra Center also has a new Organic Perfect Weight Tea that’s on my list!
More on the Chopra Center: Founded by the legendary Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M. D. they provide experiences, education, teacher trainings and products that improve the health and wellbeing of body, mind and spirit. Based in California at the La Costa Resort & Spa they offer an integrative approach to total wellbeing through self-awareness, and the practice of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. It is my absolute dream to do a retreat there!
Yoga and meditation are words we’re all familiar with but Ayurveda may be a new term, which you’ve seen me drop in this post. By definition it’s the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. I encourage anyone curious to read this link that explains it in more detail.
Learn more about The Chopra Center at