Feed Your Face: 5 Healthy Skin Favorites


In the words of Aveeno’s skincare ambassador and actress, Jennifer Aniston,  “I am always trying to eat organic and natural foods…I think what you put in your body, as well as stress, is reflected in the quality of your skin.” So true. As summer is here, now more then ever it’s important to protect and hydrate your skin from the inside and out. So in addition to your skincare regimen, daily SPF, regular exercise, beauty sleep here a balanced diet rich in antioxidant and nutrient rich foods are essential.

Here are 5 easy, snackable foods to help feed your face and give you skin-envy:

1. Broccoli – high in antioxidants vitamin C, which helps aids in collogen production, a protein that helps keep our skin firm and elastic and vitamin E, which work to protects the cell membranes against the sun’s harsh rays. Psst: Also almonds are a great source of vitamin E.

2. Alfalfa Sprouts – they are like a multi-vitamin in sprout form! Filled with skin-nourishing and protectant properties including vitamin A, B, C, E, and K as well as zinc, calcium, folic acid.

3. Carrots – high in beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A and helps repair skin tissue and protect against the sun’s UV rays.

4. Berries (Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries…) – high in anti-aging antioxidants that protect against free radicals that damage the membrane of cells.

5. Salmon – high in omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for healthy cell membranes which are directly linked to providing plumper and more hydrated skin. They also block toxins and are a natural inflammatory that can advert fine lines and wrinkles.

Looking at foods rich in antioxidants as well that aid in keeping your digestion normal are key as if you’re body is off track it’s going to reflect in your skin. So take care of yourself! Stay hydrated and drink copious amounts of water and try to avoid highly processed or refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Happy summer!


AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion: Give your skin a naturally beautiful fresh start. This nourishing lotion improves the health of your skin in just 1 day! It contains ACTIVE NATURALS® Colloidal Oatmeal and is blended with rich emollients to help protect and soothe dry skin.

{Disclosure: Compensation was provided by AVEENO® via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of AVEENO®.}