Farewell Gen Art

By now many of you may have heard the new that after 16 years of discovering and showcasing new talent, Gen Art has closed their doors due to challenges incurred by the recession.  Considering, all the support and exposure Gen Art created for emerging artists in fashion, film, art and music, I was disheartened to receive the newsletter from Founders Ian & Stefan Gerard sharing this news. While they say all good things come to an end, a large part of me hopes that considering all of their connections and reach someone will swoop in and save them.

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of joining my dear friends Wesley Nault and Daniel Feld of WESFELD in showcasing of their first collection.  The event, hosted by Molly Sims was all made possible thanks to Gen Art (in conjunction with Plastics Make It Possible and the American Chemistry Council).  To know that other deserving designers of future generations won’t have the same opportunities that this talented duo did is tragic.  This is a huge loss for the artist community.