‘Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel’ 18th Birthday NYC Book Tour Events

When your senior rescue dog, turned best-selling author, and beloved children’s book character, Charlie King of Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel turns 18, we have to celebrate! We have a mix of adult, kids, and dog events below! If you’re in NYC, join us!

Following the ‘Kiss the Dogs NYC for Patricia Field ArtFashion’ senior rescue fashion show, Lara Eurdolian and Charlie will be signing copies of Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel, and have the dog collection featuring one-of-a-kind pieces available for purchase ahead of their 4/16 launch on patriciafield.com.

Join Charlie and Pip, the stars of Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel and Dressing Up by Samantha Brown for a dress up kids party. Tickets include both books, professional portraits in Ashley Longshores Gallery, Pretty Connected accessories bar, where kids can pick out bows, necklaces to take home, Levain Cookies and of course book readings and signings.

Join Charlie and Chuckie for the Empire State of Poms x Pretty Connected Portraits and Poms event. Tickets include mini photoshoot with your pup at a professional photo studio, plus mix and mingle with other Pom-mom/Dads featuring a Mimosa bar, drinks + Pizza from Williamsburg Pizza.

Join Charlie and Pip, the stars of Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel and Dressing Up by Samantha Brown for a reading of their respective books on the big screen! Enjoy the private screening room where the books will come to life at the theatre. Tickets include signed copies of both books, one adult beverage from Spritz au Crocodile, Tippy Toes snacks and popcorn for the kids. Coloring pages and crayons will also be provided.