Once upon a time I was a Sundance Film Festival volunteer–as in one of those people that goes to Park City for 2-weeks just to walks you to your seat or give you to directions to the next venue in exchange for an all access pass! That of course was pre-blog, pre-press passes for bloggers and all that jazz I now take for granted. It was in 2005; I was in my early-20s and thought I had died and gone to heaven to be in the presence of Gwyneth Paltrow, John Malkovich, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Timberlake and just about every celebrity you could ever imagine. Kenneth Cole was the sponsor that year, although the jacket they gave out for the crews, filmakers and celebs were—meh (I don’t think I’ve worn mine since). This year (and for the past 3 seasons), Timberland has been the official Footwear and Outerwear Sponsor and all I can say is that I’m jealous. The women’s jacket this year is so hot!!
Additionally, they are using their Sundance presence to do a little good and elevate their Fade to Green platform. Fade to Green was designed to serve as a reminder that, like Timberland, film goes beyond commerce to celebrate innovation,