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Sarah Kugelman’s 8 Tips to help combat stressed skin

Skyn Iceland

Stressed skin is a topic we can’t seem to escape and a trend we’re seeing skincare brands now address. And a woman who’s no stranger to this topic, Sarah Kugelman, a true pioneer in helping women combat their effects and the founder of the skincare line, skyn Iceland (which is formulated to absolve the stress from your skin) has shared her best summer de-stress tips with us!

You may be thinking, what’s stressful about summer? Where to begin… High heat and humidity. Being stuck in the city all weekend with your makeup melting off, sweaty crowds, ouchy sunburn. The intimidation of the ‘bikini’ body… (our list only goes on from there). Earlier this month I hosted an event with Sarah Kugelman and the Skyn Iceland team appropriately themed, Slow Down and Cool Down sharing Skyn’s Tips for a more relaxing summer. Take note!

 1. Skin Superfoods: When you are stressed and overheated your body craves ‘skin vital’ potassium. Seek out foods high in potassium like sweet potatoes, bananas, or raisins.

2. Make Plans With Yourself: Everyone’s out of town. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, head home and plan some “me time.” Light a candle, rent a movie, have a