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How to Maximize your Beauty Routine While you Sleep

mattress5_lowresIt’s no secret that getting a good night sleep is essential to good health. I for one am cranky and can have my entire day fall apart if I don’t prioritize quality sleep. From my physical energy to the bags under my eyes, every part of my body is affected if I don’t get a good nights rest.

When you are sleeping, your body is in repair mode. Everything from your hormones, immune system, brain function and skin is affected. This is the most important time to prioritize your skin and beauty routine so that the effects are magnified during this stage of rest.

Upgrade Your Sleep with Simmons ComforPedic from Beautyrest


My mother always taught me to invest in good things like mattresses, and I never listened. Instead my budget often went to shoes and frivolous things with little to no shelf life (especially in NYC). My friends at Conde Nast asked me to review a new mattress and having recently sent the ComforPedic IQ, I 100% realize what my mother was talking about! Considering I have back problems I don’t know what took me so long to invest in a good mattress. (I don’t even flip my mattress every 6 months).