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Healthy Body from the Inside out: My Top Supplements

bose-fitness-postYesterday, I got a very flattering text from my little brother saying I was ripped! And looking at this picture I can see why (mind you reaching your hands up does wonders for your definition).  I felt really good getting such a nice compliment since in all honesty, I’ve been feeling quite sluggish and out of it lately. I’ve only just started getting back into running and I’ve been so busy I’ve been completely off my work-out game. I’m traveling every weekend for the next 3 weeks and it’s been a repeat pattern of the past 2 months where my schedule is so wonky I can’t get into a routine. In fact carrying Charlie everywhere with me has been my new workout.hum-nutricion-beauty-dust-aloha-thin-tea

Since I talk a lot about working out and fitness in general, I wanted to spotlight some of the supplements I have on rotation. What I like about all of these is they are healthy and gentle on the system. They don’t make me feel sick the way vitamins sometimes do and can be taken together or individually without side effects. None of them are diet pills or laxatives but help keep my body – from my waist to my skin and hair – clean and some extra nutrients to compliment my diet and also beauty products I use topically.