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Tag: Erasa XEP30

Ready to Erase Wrinkles? Try Erasa XEP30

Erasa xep 30

Whenever there’s any type of breakthrough in the skincare industry I get excited. (Like REALLY excited). Especially in the anti-aging world. I take great care of my skin but decades of cringing has finally caught up to me and admittedly seeing wrinkles on my tiny forehead has been the bane of my 30s. While there are great ingredients to plump lines like Hyaluronic Acid, or retinals that help minimize their appearance we don’t really have anything that takes them away, unless you’re looking at the extreme of Botox which is temporary and a whole other road I’m not ready to go down. For a $2 billion industry (that’s actually how much we spend on anti-aging products in the US!), you’d think we could do better by now. And maybe there’s hope…