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Surfs up with Clif Bar


Photo Credit: Gerald Slevin photography

Last week was a long week. I went from Fashion Week to hosting a charity event on Friday to jumping in my car and driving to Montauk for an awesome, action packed weekend with Clif Bar. Before I get into my awesome weekend (and believe me, it was awesome), my friend Liz asked me a question on Friday I’ve been thinking about all week, “How do I get your energy”.


In my mind she takes on more than me so I found the question funny. Although I’m asked it often enough that I should have a reasonable answer.  In truth I’ve always thought of myself as leading a double life. I’m very active in the fashion/beauty blogging community and often at events but on my spare time all I want to do is travel and be outside, whether it be hiking, snowboarding or something as simple as going for a walk. My boyfriends even slowly turning me into a camper, which we do often enough that I can probably claim that title. I’m a really active person and it’s not easy with my schedule. I accidentally skip meals all the time but I’m very keen on keeping my energy up since I do need to stay focused.