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The NEW as you like it Clinique Counter at Lord & Taylor Fifth Avenue

By now most of you New Yorkers have seen the rose adorned advertisements and shopping bags around the city for the announcement of Lord and Taylor’sUltimate Face-lift’. A $25 million endeavor the company invested in the renovation of the iconic department store’s Fifth Avenue location.

Although I was beyond honored to receive an invitation from Brendan Hoffman to the unveiling of  ‘The Ultimate Face-Lift’, I was unable to attend the gala (it was my birthday!). However, I did stop by Lord & Taylor that week for a preview and guided tour of the new Clinique counter. My guides, Clinique’s Anthony Battaglia, Vice President, Global Retail Design and Visual Merchandising and Cherie Werle, Education Executive and Makeup and Skin Care Expert, took me through the new shopping experience they created, based on Clinique’s service as you like it concept.

What does that mean? It literally means service as YOU like it.  From self service to full service Clinique’s organized the counter to cater to their clientele’s needs at all levels, through clear, concise messaging and merchandising that it is not intimidating or overwhelming.

For customers looking for a skin care analysis or application tips, they can enjoy a one-on-one experience with a staff member at the Clinique Full Service consultation table.  Equipped with a diagnostic mirror (which the consultant can