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Tag: Baby’s Gentle Shampoo & Body Wash

7. Jurlique’s Baby Line

jurliqueWhen I worked at Jurlique, I gave this baby line countless times to moms all over the country and always received great feedback. Made with a natural, biodynamic blend of ingredients, this line does not dry out baby’s skin, and the fragrance is soft and subtle with the delicate scent of lavender.

My personal favorites are the Baby’s Gentle Shampoo & Body Wash ($18) and Baby’s Soothing Bubble Bath ($18).  These products contain parent-friendly packaging, which only requires one hand to open/shut the lid while holding the product, and comes in handy especially when you have a child in the other.

Jurlique baby collection is priced at $18-$29

For more information visit Jurlique.com