Claire Bowen & Sam Palladio Rock the Summer with Self Magazine

Claire Bowen & Sam Palladio

Last night, Self Magazine hosted their Rocks the Summer event in honor of their July music issue at NYC’s PH-D at the Dream Hotel Downtown. And what kind of music celebration would it be without some steller music, which was flown in straight from Nashville (literally and figuratively). Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio of the ABC hit series, Nashville, flew in from Nashville to perform 3 songs in front of the live audience; including their first duet together on the show, If I Didn’t Know Better. Lucy Danziger, editor-in-chief of Self Magazine, made a joke about all of us wanting to be Clare and wanting to date Sam, which judging by all the sighs in the room was pretty spot on. Whether or not you’ve seen the show, it was next to impossible to watch the performance and not consider yourself a fan. They are so talented (and handsome, and they have accents, she’s Australian, he’s British — just saying).

Claire Bowen & Sam Palladio

Claire Bowen & Sam Palladio

Lucy Danziger, editor-in-chief of Self MagazineOther highlights include getting my hands on the new summer collection from Essie nail polish, which was one of the event sponsors. All the signature cocktails being served we’re inspired by different shades from the collection. And also seeing Snooki (there’s something I thought I’d never say), who is now the size of my pinky (no seriously, she’s like a size 0). It was impossible not to stare…



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Essie Summer 2013

Essie Summer 2013

Does your skin needs saving? Here’s how YOU can tell!

They call it the “the road to healthy skin” for a reason. Sure, it sounds like a funny way to phrase it, but perfect skin isn’t something that happens overnight. Hopefully you’ve been following my #HealthySkin series and instagram posts with Aveeno and the Glam Network. If not, a lot of the key points can be summed up by this quote by fellow AVEENO Ambassador and actress, Jennifer Aniston,“I’m always saying it – drink plenty of water.  Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – both inside and out, and this includes using AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion.  It hydrates my skin and makes it feel so soft.  Get plenty of sleep of course.  Also, exercise and eat healthy, well-balanced meals while still indulging and allowing yourself to have a treat.  And, always, always wear sun protection.”   


That’s the overview; a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle and skincare regimin will do wonders for your skin. However, most of us don’t know what we’re looking for; so here are some common signs that your skin needs rescuing:

Uneven skin tone and general dullness – You know when people talk about their skin glowing? Or rather if you don’t because your skin looks tired. If so, opt for a moisture-rich cleanser, like AVEENO Positively Radiant Cleanser that can

Friday, July 19th: The 2013 CEW Beauty Insider’s Choice Awards on QVC

QVC and CEW Beauty Award Show

We’ve covered the Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) awards at length over the past year.  Considered one of the most prestigious honors in the beauty world, the winners are recognized for their most innovative products. Now the organization has partnered with QVC to present once again some of the most exciting and advanced beauty launches with a special “CEW Beauty Insider’s Choice Awards” broadcast on QVC.

Dove + StyleCaster #RestoreYourSenses Hamptons Retreat


Lately, it’s been real busy. And by lately, I mean the last year+ of my life. So anything labeled as restorative or relaxing I’m all over. Especially if the invite is coming from Dove and StyleCaster complete with an all inclusive to trip to the Hamptons. I’m listening…