If you follow me on Instagram you know the obsession with Sunday Forever is real. Which is why I’m freaking out to announce we have collaborated on a limited edition Pretty Connected x Sunday Forever Good Vibes Multi-use chain ($88)! My classic gold Lara Chain, adorned with Sunday Forever’s signature Evil Eye, Red Tassel, Horseshoe and Classic Spike charms. Wear it as a necklace, use it as a camera strap, bag strap, water bottle strap… and beyond!

Sunday Forever also has a blog called “The Sunday Issue“, and every week they share an interview with a different muse on “How I Sunday“, catch me in this weeks issue babbling on about my favorite day of the week (HERE)!

Also because the holiday’s are upon us I should tell you that Sunday Forever is my go-to site for gifts. Their Sage and “Go Sage Yourself” lighter combo ($20) I buy in bulk and give out for housewarming’s, birthday’s and just about anything…

I literally own their entire line. I travel in their kimonos (pictured above). I spray their air detox ($12) and light their 11:11 candle when things don’t go my way. And at all times I have multiple red string bracelets with their evil eye, tassel, horseshoe charms for good luck. Like I said, I’m a SUPER FAN! And I’m so excited to be collaborating with them!

Shop our strap on sundayforever.com