In celebration of Prevention Magazine’s Defy Your Age awards, I attended a cocktail party hosted by the publication at Ric Pipino’s luxurious midtown salon, Pipino 57. And frankly, if everyday was like this event, I would defy my age… manicures by TracyLee, makeovers by the infamous Sonia Kashuk, blowouts by the salon’s staff, amazing massages by Dasha mixed in with top notch h’orderves –check please!
Now back to reality, how I ‘defy my age’ is taking care of my skin, eating right (to the best of my ability), and trying to avoid alarm clocks at all cost to let me body sleep however much or little it needs to naturally wake up. How do you defy yours? Prevention Magazine would love to know (and so would I)! Tweet us @PreventionMag or @PrettyConnected using the hashtag #defyyourage.
And for great tips and videos on how to defy your age as well as the winners of the Prevention Magazine Defy Your Age Beauty Awards, visit prevention.com