Trick or treat? Both. I’ve plotted to trick my boyfriend into quitting smoking, which in return is the ultimate treat for me (and my skin). Whether it’s James Dean, Holly Golightly, or your favorite Mad Men character (ahem Don Draper), cigarettes make there way into many of our Halloween costumes. And rather then roll up a piece of paper and create a fake one, try a smokeless electronic cigarette like South Beach Smoke (prices start at $29.99) on for size.
It offers that nicotine fix without exposing yourself, or anyone else to carcinogens, tobacco or ash since you’re simply exhaling pure water vapor. And as a result there’s no tar, smell or yellow teeth in your horizon. Plus they are home and bar friendly, so you won’t have to miss a moment of your Halloween party.
To each there own, but if you’re thinking about quitting, why wait until New Years and take this opportunity to test it out? Good luck.
Disclaimer: A complimentary sample was sent to Pretty Connected to test out the effectiveness of the product and for consideration of a post. Pretty Connected was under no obligation to write this review.