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9 Tips by Rebekah George to help combat Allergy Face

zyrtec, allergy faceI have a watery eye problem. Sometimes it’s in one eye, sometimes it’s both. It can range from barely noticeable to stop-me-on-the-street-because-you-think-I’m-balling-my-eyes-out bad. Don’t be fooled by my teary eyes, I’m not having an emotional breakdown, it’s allergies. And I’m not alone.

According to a recent survey commissioned by the makers of ZYRTEC®, 96% of women with allergy symptoms suffer from ALLERGY FACE™ – the beauty challenges resulting from watery eyes, a red nose, and a puffy face. Clearly it doesn’t stop me from moving and shaking (although it is quite embarrassing). However for the 1,000 female allergy sufferers surveyed we learned that 50% of women with allergies have missed out on something, such as a party or date, because of their allergy-related beauty woes. And nearly three in four (73%) have a “must have” item for dealing with it while on the go. The top make-up solution is concealer (32%), followed by foundation (24%). And Over half (53%) of women with allergy-related beauty challenges have worn an “allergy disguise.” Over-sized sunglasses being top pick (40%). I wasn’t apart of the survey but I can attest to that!

“According to the survey, 81% of women with allergies think they can never fully cover up their ALLERGY FACE™,” said beauty expert Rebekah George. “The reality is that allergy-related beauty challenges don’t have to get in the way of you looking your best. With the right beauty tips and solutions, you can combat ALLERGY FACE™.”

What can you do about it? According to George here are some simple steps to add to your beauty routine: