As summer nears and the weather gets warmer it’s hard not to fantasize about getting out of town and planning new travel destinations and spending some quality time with the wonderful friends in my life. Unfortunately, My schedule has been so crazy recently, I haven’t had a second to plan anything — I’ve been fantasizing about going somewhere tropical (maybe St. Thomas, Costa Rica, or South America). Although my true desire is to do a month in Europe; spend time in Paris, visit Berlin and make it to Greece and Maldives. (If I keep running with this fantasy, I may never return.)

A lot of this need to explore dates back to last summer, when I was invited an a impromptu press trip to Poland with some of my best blogger/beauty friends, Rachel from Birchbox, Felicia from This, That, Beauty, and Danielle, The Style and Beauty Doctor. This was our first trip together and it could not have been a better time! Nothing but beautful weather, great conversation and endless exploration! We were invited to attend the inaugural Polska Cosmetics conference and Beauty Forum Expo and to learn more about the Polish beauty industry, and what we got was so much more. Shopping trips, dance clubs, museum visits, walking tours from downtown to old town and between.