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Choupette’s Favorite Places & Spaces: Salon Ruggeri


Together for almost 20 years and collaborators in business for 10, Gregorio Ruggeri & Craig Longhurst moved to New York 5 years ago. Perfecting the fine art of aesthetics has always been something that has, and still is, a constant mantra for them both. And it sure shows in the design and attention to detail in every corner of Salon Ruggeri.

A Modern Dose to Spruce up Your Apartment! Plus 10% off with the Promo Code “SPRING10”

Well it’s that time of year again in my household –spring cleaning! And my apartment could use a bit of an upgrade.  As a busy New Yorker I never took much stock into seriously decorating since I was never home, but now that I work out of my apt that’s all changed. And as a bit of a website junky, I’m always looking for inspiration, since I’m a merchandiser, not a designer.  What I mean by that is coming up with concepts I’m somewhat deficient in; I never know what I want.  But put me in a room full of fun furnishings and I can easily maneuver my way around to achieve the look I never knew I always wanted (I’m that way with clothing as well).

Robert Verdi, Style Icon and TV personality and Estela Lugo, Founder of Modern Dose

Fortunately, the website Moderndose.com recently entered my life when I met it’s Founder, Estela Lugo, at a Fashion Week event hosted by Robert Verdi (where he called her website, ‘the future of interior design’).  I was intrigued to say the least. That’s quite an endorsement from