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RecycleBank & AVEENO Brand Ambassador

My new badge!

You may have noticed some recent updates on my site, one of which is my fancy new AVEENO/Recyclebank partnership badge.  Well I have some exciting news, I’ve been asked to be a RecycleBank and AVEENO Ambassador!!! I’m one of 25 hand picked bloggers to receive this honor and as a result I’ll have access to products, events, and the inside scoop on both these great companies to share with you.

Part of my Ambassador perks (I love saying that!) was an all-expense paid trip to LA to cover this year’s Independent Spirit Awards. Unfortunately, I had a wedding that day (I REALLY love the bride), so I had to turn it down. Fortunately, I was still accepted into the program and as of this week had my first orientation.

If you’re not familiar with RecycleBank, you should check them out. They are all about motivating people to take actions that have a positive environmental influence by offering rewards for individuals making greener choices.