Well it’s that time of year again in my household –spring cleaning! And my apartment could use a bit of an upgrade. As a busy New Yorker I never took much stock into seriously decorating since I was never home, but now that I work out of my apt that’s all changed. And as a bit of a website junky, I’m always looking for inspiration, since I’m a merchandiser, not a designer. What I mean by that is coming up with concepts I’m somewhat deficient in; I never know what I want. But put me in a room full of fun furnishings and I can easily maneuver my way around to achieve the look I never knew I always wanted (I’m that way with clothing as well).

Fortunately, the website Moderndose.com recently entered my life when I met it’s Founder, Estela Lugo, at a Fashion Week event hosted by Robert Verdi (where he called her website, ‘the future of interior design’). I was intrigued to say the least. That’s quite an endorsement from