I’m on a fitness kick! Or rather I’m trying to motivate myself to be and had a great boost by Therafit Shoes and Blink Fitness!
Owned by Equinox, Blink Fitness is a newer chain of gyms that has been popping up all over NYC and is only $20/month! (Yes, I said $20/month). Don’t let the price fool you, it’s a really nice, clean gym with top-of-the-line equipment, TVs on cardio machines, comfortable locker rooms and a super friendly staff. And their workout classes are killer! Designed to make you work smarter, not harder to get maximum results, I took a the Bootcamp class at their new Murray Hill location with instructor, Stefanie Jordan and she packed the class with a whole lot of fun exercises that had me sore for 2 days after!
As part of the class I got to test out Therafit “Renee” sneaker! Developed by Dr. Lisa Matsterson of the Emmy Award winning series, The Doctors, Therafit is a line of footwear she created to