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Jo Malone Collector’s Edition David Hicks Candles

David Hicks for Jo Malone Decorated Home Candles

How AMAZING are these candles? I’m already a Jo Malone fiend (especially for her candles); but now I’m positively obsessing over their partnership with David Hicks to create the Decorated Home Candles collection.

Known for his eclectic mix of old and new, David Hicks was one of the most influential British designers of the late twentieth century. His son, Ashley Hicks (also a designer), explored his father’s archive to reinterpret three classic geo-patterns, each reflecting a modern scent of Jo Malone.

The three scents chosen for the Decorated Home Candles are some of my favorites from the Jo Malone collection; Lime Basil & Mandarin, Pomegranate Noir, and Red Roses. The patterns paired for each candle are reminiscent of David Hicks work through his son’s eyes.

“The lively Riviera pattern, matched with Lime Basil & Mandarin, transports me to summers spent in the Mediterranean, while the shade for Hicksonian, pared with Red Roses, is