There’s always something so exciting about opening a magazine and seeing your name in print. In the November issue of Health Magazine (featuring Julianne Moore on the cover), the publication features beauty bloggers top tricks spanning across nails, makeup, hair and skin. Actually, to quote the header, it reads: ” Beauty Bloggers’ Best Tricks, Top online gurus share their go-to strategies for great hair, glowing skin, and magnificent makeup.”
I’m featured twice, once for my hair tip and another for a DIY skincare recommendation (as seen below photographed side by side with Michelle Phan’s tip in between!)

I have a little note to add to my hair tip, since the copy had to be condensed. The tip as it read is: “I sleep with my hair divided into two loose buns, seared with a scrunch. To keep mu strands smooth. For adding volume in the mourning, I rely on Osis Dust It – the powder soaks up excess oils and adds lift to roots.”
The part that I should preface is about dividing my hair into the buns with a loose scrunchie — that’s only if you’re trying to preserve a blow-out. By putting your hair into loose divided buns rotating hair in sequence of the curl it helps you avoid friction and movement between the strands. The reason you use a scrunchie instead of a hair elastic is you don’t want anything too tight that would leave any lines. Then the next morning you can revive the roots with some dry shampoo.
My other tip was “Yogurt, the pain natural kind makes a great hydrating mask. I use it when my skin needs a little pick-me-up.”
Some of the other tips I loved from the article include:
“I love sparkly polish but it sticks to your nails like crazy. To remove it, I use felt instead of a cotton ball — it works like a gentle Brillo pad.” – Allison Kratzer, Makeup by Alli
“Instead of layering on powder before happy hour, press a few drops of face oil over your cheeks to refresh your foundation and create a super natural glow.” – Elizabeth Dehn, Beauty Bets
“If your eye and lip pencils are really soft, leave them in the fridge for about an hour before you sharpen them-the less creamy they are the less waste there is.” – Christine Miekle, Temptalia
“After I douse a cotton pad with my regular makeup remover, I add a bit of coconut oil and apply it to my closed eye. It helps break up the makeup, so it slides off with more ease.” – Julie Gutierrez, YouTube vlogger
“Rather than using a towel, dry hair with a soft, old, worn-in T-shirt and pat dry. Don’t rub! Rubbing hair with a towel leads to breakage.” – Michelle Phan
“When I have a breakout, I hold a vinegar-soaked cotton ball over it for a few seconds at night. It’s smaller by mourning.” – Aleigh Acerni, Indigo + Canary
Okay, that’a enough of a sneak peek, for more great tips check out the November issue of Health Magazine on stands now.